Chilli Chowder
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Poo Picker
Very Innovative.
Lol Pics?
中視【新聞六一下991230】惡作劇弄錯元兇 激動哥網路爆紅
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Ultra Combos #2 (Femme Fatales) - Thousand Pounds
Monday, February 21, 2011
Thor - Trailer 2 (OFFICIAL)
I like this blog, ANOTHER! *Deletes blog*
Monday, February 14, 2011
gang fight! knocked out!
word of caution: dont take this too seriously.
Loved it!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Facebook Fails
Photoshop Tutorial Rap ( Lyrics In Description )
Cool song. But i wonder if, 1) Does this work and 2) Is black people running Ps behind the scenes?
NES Beads (stop motion animation)
Left 4 Dead - Super Mario Bros. (World 1-1) v0.2
Fantastic Mario map in L4D. Looking forward to the finishing product!
Kerry McLean & His Monocycle
Cool vehicle! If you watch South Park, 'Mr Garrison and his IT!'
Ultra Combos #1 - Thousand Pounds
Wow! Cool vid. It would be good if they got cosplay in it.
Volkswagen Commercial: The Force
Kinda cute...
Sony Ericsson Xperia Play commercial
"Psp phone" commercial. Pretty creepy if you ask me.
SALZIG - Sporthocker -- ispo BrandNew Awards
If this comes to Singapore, I think the Working Class China people would own in this sport.
Hamster Powered Walker
Awesome stuff. Hamster slavery in the works?
PhantomHD - Kitten in Slow Motion.mp4
Stressed? Chill out to this.
What Marijuana Leaves In Your Lungs
Marijuana is bad, m'kay?
Jumping Panda - ジャンプするレッサーパンダ
Super adorable!!!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Shaving Helmet
Candy Sushi
Super cool!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Crazy Wrestling
WTF in 5...4...3...2...1
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